Nature/Scenic spots
Inatori Hosono Plateau
〒413-0411 静岡県賀茂郡東伊豆町稲取 稲取細野高原The gigantic Inatori Hosono Plateau has an area of 125 ha (about 0.48 square miles or 26 Tokyo domes), and is a treasure trove of flora and fauna thanks to the volcano. In spring when the landscape starts to become green, you can enjoy picking mountain plants such as bracken. In fall you can enjoy the large clumps of golden-colored Japanese pampas grass. You can see Sagami Bay and the Izu Islands from the summit. It is a special place with spectacular scenery thanks to the grasslands meeting the expanse of the sea. You can enjoy an amazing 360-degree view area. Admire the Izu Peninsula east coast, starting with the Inatori town area protruding into the sea, and beyond that Kawazu and Shirahama Beach, continuing on to Cape Tsumeki in Shimoda. In the distance you’ll see the Nishiizu mountains, Manzaburo-dake which is the highest peak of Mt. Amagi (very popular thanks to hiking becoming trendy) and the Banjirou-dake peaks of Mt. Amagi.
〒413-0411 静岡県賀茂郡東伊豆町稲取 稲取細野高原
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