Nature/Scenic spots
Jogasaki Coastline
静岡県伊東市富戸Approximately 4000 years ago Mt. Omuro erupted, and the lava flow created the Jogasaki Coastline. We recommend walking the picnic trail and nature trailer, stretching for a combined 9 km (roughly 5.59 miles). The Kadowaki Suspension Bridge, which is 48 m long (roughly 157.48 feet) and 23 m high (75.45 feet), is thrilling scenic spot. You can admire a 360-degree panoramic view of the Izu Islands and Amagi Mountain Range from the Kadowaki Lighthouse observation deck. The hydrangeas bloom in June, the daylilies and Thunberg lilies bloom in July, and the gold and silver chrysanthemum and leopard plants can be admired in fall.
*The Kadowaki Lighthouse is currently closed.