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Atagawa YOU Yu Beach
Higashiizu Town Nature/Scenic spots

Atagawa YOU Yu Beach

Atagawa YOU Yu Beach is directly in front of the Atagawa hot…

Okawatakegasawa Park
Higashiizu Town Nature/Scenic spots

Okawatakegasawa Park

The park is located about 2 km (roughly 1.24 miles) down the…

Inatori Golf Club
Higashiizu Town Leisure/Experience/Outdoor

Inatori Golf Club

There are 36 holes across the ocean/mountain course and the …

Kashiya Cave Tombs
Kannami Town History/Culture

Kashiya Cave Tombs

Nationally designated historic site. Ancient tombs in the mo…

Minamiizu Town Leisure/Experience/Outdoor Nature/Scenic spots Gourmet pet


Amagi Shrine and the Strange Komainu (Dog Statues)
Izu City History/Culture

Amagi Shrine and the Strange Komainu (Dog Statues)

Address: 305 Yugashima, Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture 410-32…

Mizukoidori Plaza
Izu City Leisure/Experience/Outdoor Nature/Scenic spots

Mizukoidori Plaza

After you have played in the pure Amagi stream, enjoy a BBQ …

Otago Beach
Nishiizu Town Leisure/Experience/Outdoor Nature/Scenic spots

Otago Beach

A beach in Nishiizu.

Ishibu Beach
Matsuzaki Town Leisure/Experience/Outdoor

Ishibu Beach

Ishibu beach has a simple atmosphere, and is surrounded by t…

Yutopia Kannami
Kannami Town Hhot spring

Yutopia Kannami

Yutopia is a hot spring facility which is run by the town. I…

Gyokusenji Temple
Shimoda City History/Culture

Gyokusenji Temple

A designated national historical site, it is the first U.S. …

Oku-No-In Goma-do Hall, Shuzenji
Izu City History/Culture

Oku-No-In Goma-do Hall, Shuzenji

On December 22, 2015 the Star Festival was held at Oku-No-In…

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