Chohachi Memorial Hall (Inside Joukanji Temple)
静岡県賀茂郡松崎町松崎234-1You can see the works of Irie Chohachi, a greater plasterer of the Edo period, who is from Matsuzaki. He was only 23 when he left for Edo (modern-day Tokyo). While learning techniques from the Kano school of art, he mastered sculpturing and applied the techniques to his plaster work. He would create his own unique art using plaster and trowels.
Irie Chohachi actively worked in Edo. However, Edo back in the day was prone to fires, and many of his works were lost. The remaining works were lost in in earthquakes and war. Excluding his works located in Matsuzaki Town, very few now remain.
The museum is located on the Joukanji Temple grounds, which is a branch temple of the Jodo Shinshu sect Nishi Hongwanji Temple. This is because during the reconstruction of Joukanji temple (1845) he brought over his two disciples from Edo. The ceiling paintings sculptures and trowel plaster paintings that were left in the temple are his works.
In 2011, the dragon painting and Hiten (divine being) picture were designated as tangible cultural properties of Shizuoka.